Social Security: Will the Gov’t Run Out of Money?

Will Social Security be there when I retire or will it run out, this is one of the more common concerns heard from clients in financial planning circles for years.   The question is, should you legitimately be concerned?  The answer is both YES and NO.   The concern about your Social Security payments ceasing because…

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Inflation Today: What is it Really?

In February of 2015, we wrote an article about the topic of inflation that tried to address not only some of the concerns about inflation, but also some of the confusing and seemingly misleading inflation data. Particularly, how the measures of inflation have changed over the years to reflect what may be a very inaccurate…

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Opportunity Cost: What it Means to You

Opportunity cost is defined as the potential benefit an investor misses out on when choosing one alternative over another.   Every investor can likely think of an example of something that they once owned and sold at the wrong time or planned to buy and chose not to do so.   Some of those examples can be…

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Inflation Concerns Heading into 2022

In recent weeks there has been more and more discussion about the concerns of inflation.  Inflation is defined as the general rise in the level of prices over a specific period of time. Inflation has “officially” been reported at fairly low general levels over the last couple of decades by historical standards.  We say “officially”…

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Cryptocurrency: What is the Value?

It seems as though nearly every conversation of late with an investment professional gets around to raising the topic of Bitcoin or some other alternative Cryptocurrency at some point in the discussion. As a result, it’s probably worth exploring the issue in a little bit of detail.   As a firm, we have chosen not…

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Addressing the Tax Concerns of Concentrated Stock Positions

One of the more challenging financial planning concerns that often comes up is the concentration risk of too much money in a specific stock that has a very low tax basis.   Investors are often torn between the risk of holding too much in any one company, and the potentially large tax bill that can come…

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Savings Options in a Near Zero Interest Rate Environment

Not long into the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve among other policy responses dropped short-term interest rates to zero.   After nearly a decade of anemic economic growth, we finally started to see enough economic activity that the Fed began increasing rates.  Unfortunately, as we all know the government lockdowns caused a severe contraction to…

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Value vs Growth: Which is Better?

Value stocks vs Growth stocks, which is the better investment?   The debate between value investing as opposed to growth investing is an ongoing one.  Which is better depends on from which point in time you ask the question.   It’s first important to understand what the difference between the two investment categories are.   Value Investing…

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What is My Rate of Return?

When questioning your rate of return, the answer seems like a simple one to a simple question.  However, like most financial matters, the answer is never as simple as it seems.   There are actually various ways in which the rate of return of an investment is measured.   One such method is what is called…

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Asset Class Diversification: Why it Matters

The concept of asset allocation was made famous by the economist and Nobel laureate Harry Markowitz and his introduction to Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT).  The principle idea behind MPT in simple terms is the notion that an investor can maximize their returns within a given level of risk with the use of multiple asset classes. …

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